Couples Therapy

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” -Rumi

Is There A Relationship In Your Life That Needs Fine Tuning?

Are you experiencing conflict, tension, or relationship stress with your partner?

Is there another relationship in your life that is struggling with disconnection and misunderstanding?

Intimate partnerships are not the only relationships that can suffer from a lack of healthy, attuned connection. Others, such as friendships, parent-child, professional, and extended family relationships are also subject to functional impairment. Feelings of insecurity can lead to individual symptoms of anxiety, depression, and adversarial interactions. And it’s easy to buckle under the stress of conflict as a result.

There is a wide range of stressors that can contribute to an unhealthy relationship dynamic. For instance, if infidelity or substance abuse has occurred, one or both of you may be struggling to re-establish trust in the relationship. Or perhaps conflicting expectations have brought you into this dynamic, leading to feelings of anger, disappointment, and frustration.

Whether you’re a couple looking to repair your partnership, an individual who wants to address ongoing relationship issues, or part of a family who could benefit from counseling, therapy can be the gateway to healthy, functional relationships in every aspect of your life. Working together, we can improve your self-awareness and relationship skills so that you can be the best possible partner, parent, family member, and friend.

Many Relationships Fall Prey To Complacency And Outside Stressors

Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship; we all enter each of our relationships with specific expectations and models of behavior. For many, healthy relationship models were not available from a young age, often resulting in unhealthy conflict resolution styles later on. As such, it is absolutely essential for all of our connections to find a healthy means of resolving conflict.

Yet, complacency has the potential to slowly trickle in and become the norm. An increased focus on our careers may have started to overshadow quality time together, or perhaps the responsibility of taking care of children and/or aging parents has put additional pressure on the relationship, resulting in a connection that is characterized by stress rather than compassion. Not to mention, we live in a city that can present many pitfalls and distractions that are not conducive to happy, healthy relationships.

Each and every connection we have requires ongoing maintenance, but oftentimes, it takes a crisis to initiate a “wake-up call” that help is needed. It can be difficult to ask for help, especially when our perception is colored by misconceptions about the “perfect” relationships and the comparison culture of social media.

As a trained, nonjudgmental, relationship-oriented therapist, I understand that self-awareness and effective communication are important ingredients for a healthy relationship. My goal is to work with you to develop concrete conflict-resolution skills and a new sense of self-understanding that will allow you to create strong attachments that will carry you through life.

Relationship Therapy Is Available To Couples, Families, And Individuals

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Couples therapy is a chance to come to an open, neutral space with your partner so that you can really dig into one another’s needs and goals for the relationship. I will assist you in identifying and enacting your relational strengths so that you can be more attuned to one another. My couples counseling services are available to partners of all backgrounds, including those who identify as LGBTQ+ or polyamorous.

In addition, I offer counseling to individuals and families struggling with relational concerns. If you are someone who wants to better understand the patterns affecting your relationships, or if you are part of a family that could benefit from the guidance of a systems-oriented therapist, I apply many couples-specific modalities in therapy with clients of all backgrounds and goals.

The Approaches I Use

I take a collaborative, integrative approach to relationship counseling for couples, families, and individuals. Drawing from a range of modalities—including the Gottman Method, Solution Focused Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—I use a systems perspective to help clients better understand their relationship blueprints and how to adapt their mindset and behaviors in a healthy, compassionate way.

Reading assignments and conflict logs may also be used to initiate strategies and track progress. And mindfulness techniques may be employed to help initiate calmer reactions and de-escalate intense, conflictual emotions.

Relationship-oriented therapy for couples, individuals, and families has a remarkably high potential for success. If you and your partner/family member can commit to this process and acknowledge each other’s progress along the way, you will be able to leverage your individual strengths in a way that will bring happiness and harmony to each of your relationships.

Still Unsure If Counseling Is Right For You?

I’m not sure therapy can help.

Even if you’re skeptical about whether therapy can help, it’s important to remember that you are not obligated to this process—there is no binding contract you have to sign. Rather, we will start with one session and address your concerns little by little. I will check in with you throughout to assess your progress and determine whether to continue therapy.

We’re on a limited budget—how long does couples, family, or individual therapy take?

My goal is to work as efficiently as possible throughout the therapeutic process. That said, the amount of time spent in counseling is directly proportional to the effort and engagement of each couple, family, or individual. I am confident that if you can commit to the insight and skills-building required in therapy, I’ll be able to quickly get you (and your relationships) back on the right track

I want to try couples/family therapy, but I’m not sure if my partner/family member will agree.

If your partner or family member is resistant to the idea of therapy, I encourage you to remind them that we will take things one session at a time. As long as you can commit to just one session, we will take it from there and continue experimenting with what works for both of you.

Therapy Offers You Maintenance Tools For Your Relationships

As a relationship-oriented therapist, I seek to collaborate with couples, families, and individuals in therapy to build a strong working alliance in all of your relationships. Contact me to find out more about how my approach to couples and relationship counseling can help you

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