Substance Abuse Counseling

Is Your Dependence On Drugs Or Alcohol Spiraling Out Of Control?

Have you developed addictive behaviors and tendencies?

Is your need to use impairing your life and ability to function?

Are you ready to regain the control that your drug and alcohol use has taken away?

Regardless of severity, substance use can yield a range of disruptive physical, cognitive, and psychological symptoms. Beyond impaired judgment and functioning, substance use can lead to mood swings, agitation, fatigue, memory issues, and paranoia. As a result, many individuals struggle with feelings of shame and low self-esteem as they perpetuate behaviors that don’t align with their values and goals for life.

Furthermore, substance use has the potential to trigger underlying mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Unfortunately, many people use substances as a means of numbing their symptoms, worsening the cycle of dependency.

Addictive behavior also impacts relationships, as users begin engaging in aggressive, disruptive, or secretive behaviors. The need to use can be very distracting, compromising the ability to socialize or complete daily tasks. Not to mention, substance abuse can lead to legal consequences, casting a ripple effect onto relationships and work performance.

Addiction causes those struggling to believe that they no longer have control over their behaviors, but treatment can help. In counseling for substance abuse, you will have the opportunity to explore the root causes of your addiction as you build inner resources for overcoming urges.

If You Struggle With Substance Abuse Or Addiction, You Are Not Alone

A 2017 survey found that nearly 20 million Americans ages 12 and older battle a substance abuse disorder every year. [1] Of that population, about three-quarters struggle with alcohol use disorder, while one-third experience illicit drug use disorder (including marijuana, opiates, and other hard drugs). From these statistics, we can see that some users struggle with simultaneous drug and alcohol addiction.

What Causes Addictive Behaviors?

There are many factors that contribute to substance abuse disorder, including peer pressure and genetic predisposition. Our culture normalizes drug and alcohol use—especially drinking—and we are regularly bombarded with messages from pharmaceutical companies that there is a pill for anything that ails us. There is a direct correlation between this messaging and the opioid crisis in the United States.

Unfortunately, by the time substance use gets to the point of being disordered, our ability to self-regulate is significantly impaired, making it all the more difficult to manage urges. And because social stigma perpetuates the narrative that addiction is a personal weakness, many don’t seek treatment due to shame or embarrassment.

My role as a therapist is to create a nonjudgmental, empathetic atmosphere where we can explore and overcome substance abuse together. As we build your strengths and resources in the therapy space, you can learn effective and lasting strategies for managing your addiction.

Substance Abuse Counseling Is The Key To Addiction Recovery

In therapy, there is a concept known as “unconditional positive regard,” in which compassion is made available to the client regardless of any perceived flaws or wrongdoing. Treating clients with empathy and understanding is an essential component of substance abuse counseling, and my job is to help foster self-understanding and self-compassion in a way that will yield healing and results.

Therapy is available to anyone struggling with issues of substance abuse or addiction, though a more comprehensive treatment plan may be needed in severe cases. I am happy to offer you referrals if my services will not be suitable for your needs.

What To Expect

My approach to substance abuse counseling revolves around behavioral modification skills. I will work with you to create new, more adaptable habits to replace old, unhealthy ones. With increased insight, you will be able to better identify triggers and engage in healthy coping strategies that you can draw from as you experience cravings.

I will also work with you to enhance your communication so you can set meaningful boundaries and get your needs met by others. We will collaborate on a relationship repair plan so that you can restore the connections that your use has adversely impacted. And because healing happens in community, I will provide you with options for group therapy and other resources that can meaningfully aid in your addiction recovery.

I have witnessed, both personally and professionally, the amazing effect that counseling can have in curbing substance abuse. Many of my clients have been very successful in overcoming their addictions in therapy, and I know you can be one of them, too.

Still Unsure If Therapy Can Help You Overcome Substance Abuse?

I have heard that there is a very low success rate for substance abuse treatment—I’m worried that I will fail.

Statistics are often outdated and representative of large populations. If you are worried about becoming one of those statistics, just remember that your case is individual—it’s within your control whether or not you succeed.

I cannot imagine life without substances—it seems impossible to me.

Though you may have been struggling with your addiction for years, remember that there was a time in your life before substances took over. That was your natural state of being, and it’s possible to return to it again.

My friends also engage in addictive behaviors—do I have to stop spending time with them?

If you are considering treatment for substance abuse, it means you are on the verge of an individual growth spurt. As such, it’s possible that you may need to break away from certain friend groups or social gatherings so as not to trigger your urges. We will work together on establishing and asserting your boundaries in a way that won’t compromise your recovery.

You Don’t Have To Stay Trapped In The Cycle Of Addiction

If substance abuse is taking over your life and relationships, counseling can help you overcome urges and develop healthier habits. To find out more about my approach to addiction recovery or to schedule a therapy appointment, contact me.


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